'almost there' vegeterian..... person who eats non vegeterian food in the absence of good vegeterian choices.
its funny cause when i was in India, I used to love, love non vegeterian food... in my case this means chicken , lamb and fish, did not have pork till i came to the US and beef is out of the question due to deep rooted religious reasons.
its kinda hypocrtical to eat chicken, lamb and fish and then frown on eating beef, but that never really came into question in India where the only beef i have ever seen was at Muslim weddings and those were rare occassions.But still my mind just hits a blank wall when it comes to eating beef.... i can see my ancestors frowning with displeasure every time i even contemplate the possibility.
with meat being eaten mightbe once in two months, i can say i was ' an almost vegeterian' quite safely!!
however after coming to the US, all this changed.R is an avid non vegeterian who can easily live with two meat meals a day... uh oh, i tried it and rapidly lost weight to regain it all within no time as soon as my body realised what was happening. so back to carb rich and bountiful vegeterian diet. these days i try and look for the spiciest veggie option on the menu. Naturally have to be creative and inventive while planning meals without meat for R. Thankfully R is a total maharashtrian varan bhat batata bhaji boy at heart. which is good for me in a way, but i get bored and listless eating same chapati, bhaji, amti bhat every day. dont get me wrong, i love the maharastrian food, but like it even more if i dont have to cook it every single day myself!
so scour the internet for recipes , pester my mom to send me recipes of half forgotten childhood treats and try and convert R to being an "almost there vegeterian".
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