Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Obama vs. McCain

Some quick thoughts about the second Obama McCain Debate -

"that one"? huh, I found that patronising, condescending and very disdainful.

I liked Senator Obama's answer regarding the priorities he had while fixing the economy and also the fact that he thinks health care in such a country should be a right.

Overall, the debate was pretty much 'more of the same' but I guess after listening to this for atleast one year, one can't really expect anything new, at the end of the night for the last question regarding what they did not know and how they would learn it, I felt like they regurgitated their trademark lines over again just to say that closing statement.

One more to go - and then November 4th!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Biden vs. Palin

some quick thoughts on the vice presidential Biden Palin debate -

Senator Biden did not make any 'gaffes' as he was expected to, hurrah for Team Obama!

Governor Palin performed above expectations too.

But the main event of the debate for me was how well prepared Joe Biden is to be the vice president of this country. His answers were well informed, sincere, and he knew what he was taking about. I did not know that he has been advocating for intervention in Darfur, that's not an issue many people are talking about in this election, but he clearly felt strongly about it. I haven't been the biggest fan of Joe Biden, I supported Hillary Clinton through out the primaries and was rooting for her to get the VP nomination. Can you imagine that debate - Clinton vs. Palin... that would have been THE debate to watch. But then Senator McCain would probably have never chosen Governor Palin as his running mate if Hillary Clinton had been the vice-presidential nominee. If people still feel that the Republicans are going to get the womens vote, they really need to take a look at Joe Biden's record on womens issues. It was an interesting departure from the first debate that the media were tracking men and women on the debate and not Democrats, Republicans and Independants. Time and again, and especially after Bidens answer regarding him being a single parent to his children after the tragic death of his wife and daughter, I felt his answers showed humility, decency and grace under pressure. After watching Joe Biden today, I say 'good choice- Barack!'
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